Letter from Rev. Harriett Walden

December 17, 2021


Hon. Lisa Herbold
Hon. Andrew Lewis
Hon. Tammy Morales
Hon. Teresa Mosqueda
Hon. Sara Nelson (elect)
Hon. Alex Pedersen
Hon. Kshama Sawant
Hon. Dan Strauss Seattle City Council

Re: Councilwoman Debora Juarez for Seattle City Council President

Dear Members of the Seattle City Council:

Our beloved City of Seattle needs healing and unity and Debora Juarez is the leader we need to help Seattle heal and unite. As an Indigenous woman, with strong ties to local Tribal and Indigenous communities, it is time for a leader like Debora who can restore our relationships with each other and with the earth. It is time for others to step aside and let the Indigenous peoples of these lands be represented in City Hall and steer Seattle in a new direction.

I have lived in this city for 46 years. For the last 31 years, I have helped to bring justice to Seattle families of all races whose loved ones have been subjected to violence. This includes seeking justice for the 81 Black mothers who have lost their children to gun violence. I stand with our Indigenous relatives whose mothers, daughters, and aunties are going missing and being murdered throughout our city at the highest rate in the entire country. City Councilmembers’ efforts last summer to fire SPD Chief Carmen Best and defund the SPD by 50% have set Seattle’s Black and Indigenous peoples’ search for justice and healing back many years. I cannot support any candidate for City Council President who was part of those divisive efforts.

Nor can I tolerate elected leaders who invoke Black and Indigenous life when it suits their political purposes, but do not bring Black and Indigenous to the table in any genuine way.

If this City Council is truly committed to justice and opportunity for Black and Indigenous peoples in Seattle, you will elect Debora Juarez as Council President.

Very truly yours,

Rev. Harriett Walden
Cc: Seattle Mayor-Elect Bruce Harrell


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