Black clergy voice strong support for Seattle Police chief

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best talks with activists near a plywood-covered and closed Seattle Police Department precinct in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood, June 9, 2020, following protests over the death of George Floyd, a black man who was k…

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best talks with activists near a plywood-covered and closed Seattle Police Department precinct in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood, June 9, 2020, following protests over the death of George Floyd, a black man who was killed while in police custody in Minneapolis. (Elaine Thompson/AP)

“We know that Black women in leadership have a hard time. And sometimes people like to crush them,” said the Rev. Harriett Walden of Mothers for Police Accountability at the gathering at Goodwill Missionary Baptist Church. “And I'm here to tell you, I would never let anybody, a white woman or anybody in power, crush a Black woman in front of me.”

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MFPA & Rev. Harriet Walden are NOT currently working on East Precinct as indicated by Mayor Durkan


Keep protesting, but end CHOP